Treasure Chest
Boli Pura Treasure Chest
In our annual production cycles, we always try to produce enough essences and elixirs so that our customers are not left "without", but also not too much so that we don't waste anything. We are not always entirely successful in this task of estimation and so we often end up with a few products left over.
The official best-before date of the items in our treasure chest has expired or is about to expire. You will also find items here that have visual defects and can therefore no longer be sold in retail stores. Due to the alcohol content of our essences and elixirs, they can be kept for at least 5 years beyond this date if unopened. As we can no longer sell these items through retailers or our network of therapists, we are making them available to you here at half price. There is no difference in quality to the products with the current best-before date.
With this offer, we want to avoid the completely unnecessary waste of these valuable products.