Bolimuc, the Boli Pura Mucosal essence has a harmonizing effect on the mucosal field.
The mucosal field is a connecting field between the various organ fields and the external world. Similar to the skin field, information exchange and information balancing take place in the mucosal field. Disturbances in the mucosal field can manifest themselves in irritations and irritations in the respective organ fields or through overreactions to situations or states of mind. Our readiness for symbiosis or conflict is reflected in the mucosal field and finds its energetic expression there. Each organ field contains its own mucosal field, just as each physical organ has its own mucosal reference.
Some organ fields, such as the kidney, lung and intestinal organ fields, have a strong mucosal field reference and react more strongly to a disturbance in this area than, for example, the heart organ field.
In case of problems with the physical mucous membranes, Bolimuc helps to erase the imprint of the disease in the mucous membrane field and improves the feedback and communication of the energetic and physical organ.
Information for use